At Janssen, patients have been at the center of everything we do since decades, as written in our credo. However, in the changing environment, we believe it is time to systematically create solutions “with” patients rather than “for” them. Our approach is therefore to partner with patients and caregivers, systematically interacting directly with them. We act on patient perspectives early and maintain an ongoing dialogue to develop solutions that better meet needs. This structural approach needs a clear framework. Hence our decision to join PARADIGM, the consortium that will define the rules of engagement that all stakeholders can adhere to.

Daniel De Schryver
Patient Engagement and Advocacy Lead EMEA, Janssen
“Nothing about us without us”. This slogan has been at the basis of the GIPA principle which encouraged stakeholders to include PLHIV within their projects, programs, research etc. The PARADIGM project goes along the same way by empowering patients to become actively involved in medicine development and the search towards better health outcomes. For EATG it felt like a logical step to join a project that supports the same values and principles as GIPA.

Koen Block
Executive Director, The European AIDS Treatment Group
PARADIGM’s mission reflects our Patients in Partnership approach at GSK. Through our involvement in this new Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project, we support the movement to advance meaningful patient engagement in the life cycle of medicines for better health outcomes, and the value this can bring to patients.

Kay Warner
Patient Engagement Lead, GSK
EMA supports PARADIGM and is willing to work together with stakeholders to foster patient engagement throughout medicines lifecycle. EMA also sees PARADIGM an opportunity for stakeholders to agree on key principles on patient engagement. PARADIGM’s outcome has the potential to inform EMA’s practice for public engagement. By fostering patient involvement, PARADIGM can ultimately benefit patient access to medicines and medicines information.

Juan Garcia Burgos
Head of Public Engagement Department, EMA
PARADIGM’s imperative to create a framework for meaningful patient engagement is an ideal accelerator of innovation that should ultimately bring more therapies to improve people’s lives. The collaborative and inclusive process serves as a model of the future today.

Paula DeCola
Senior Director Global Patient Affairs, Global Lead Healthy Ageing Center of Excellence, Pfizer
At Servier, we put patient needs first. Governed by a non-profit foundation, we strongly believe in the importance of listening to and acting on the patient perspective. Our approach is to integrate the patient expectations and needs throughout the medicine lifecycle, so as to transform these into co-developed therapeutic solutions of value to them. We want to further empower our colleagues and all stakeholders about how to partner WITH patients so that it becomes routinely embedded in all our activities. Joining PARADIGM is a great opportunity for Servier to co-create with the key stakeholders a framework to enhance the partnering WITH patients in value creation by our industry.

Anne-Claire Julienne
European Public Affairs Manager, Servier
We believe PARADIGM will deliver greater value for patients. It will ensure win-win outcomes for all entities throughout a structured, efficient and sustainable framework. It will also create a common understanding of patient engagement from all key stakeholders’ needs, preferences and expectations, helping create a meaningful collaboration between them. This way PARADIGM will generate a shift in the patient engagement ecosystem.

Lasse Funch Jacobsen
Novo Nordisk
Grünenthal are supporting PARADIGM because we take the voice of the patient seriously. Grünenthal’s aim is to include patients in the whole development process of a new medicine. This is how we succeed to develop solutions with a positive impact on patients and their families lives.

Deborah Russell
Vice President, Head Patient Engagement, Grünenthal GmbH
Pharma and Industry have a common interest – access to safe and effective medicines as quickly as possible. If PARADIGM can make that happen better, sooner or more efficiently, then it will have been worthwhile. That is why MSD is proud to be involved.

Paul Robinson
Executive Director, Scientific Medical & Patient Perspective, MSD
Novartis is strongly committed to helping lead the change required to ensure patients get the innovative medicines they need. PARADIGM offers a unique opportunity as it includes all the relevant stakeholder groups needed to discuss and co-create the best solution, which centrally positions the voice of the Patient.

Laura McKeaveney
Global Head of Patient Advocacy, Novartis
Real long-lasting change can only happen when all stakeholders join forces. By working together with all our partners we now have an opportunity to make patient involvement a consistent, sustainable and valuable reality so that we provide the best possible outcome and experience to those we serve.

Dr. Matthias Gottwald
Head of R&D Policy and Networking, Bayer AG
Providing a voice to people with dementia and their carers and ensuring that they are full partners in policy development and research is at the very heart of our organisation. We hope that PARADIGM will provide the necessary tools and mechanisms to improve the involvement of people with dementia and other potentially vulnerable groups in drug research and development.

Jean Georges
Executive Director, Alzheimer Europe
We are committed to PARADIGM and wish to contribute to making patient engagement routine practice adopted by all involved in the medicine lifecycle.

Barbara Haake
Head of Patient Relations at vfa, the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies
We support PARADIGM as it will develop processes and tools to move patient engagement in medicine's life cycle from siloed activities and tick box exercises to strategic, systematic and mutually beneficial collaborations.

Irmi Gallmeier
Senior International Health Policy Leader, Patient Group Relations, F-Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
We strongly believe that engaging and partnering with patients all along the medicines development process will significantly strengthen our capacity to deliver innovative medicines that add value to their lives. Only by working altogether, we can make this happen in a meaningful, impactful, sustainable and ethical way. We want to succeed in this paradigm change.

Alexandra Moutet
Global Head of Patient Affairs, UCB
In patient engagement there is no place for repeated trials and errors - PARADIGM offers a platform to join forces and help all those engaged in medical research to do the right things.

Magda Chlebus
Director Science Policy, EFPIA
A systematic, independent and meaningful engagement of patients in the medicines life cycle can only occur if the entire ecosystem is ready to integrate patient input. We want PARADIGM to help bringing all stakeholders to do so successfully and in the long run.

Virginie Hivert
Virginie Hivert
PARADIGM will help to change the landscape of meaningful patient engagement in the life-cycle of medicines – both in practical terms, but also crucially in terms of mindset and commitment. For the European patient community, our members and our partners this represents, literally, a very timely paradigm shift, and goes hand in hand with the universal recognition of the importance of patient education, as demonstrated by EUPATI, and a similar need to embed patient involvement in wider health systems’ design and strengthening- another key pillar in truly advancing patient centred, quality and sustainable care.

Nicola Bedlington, Secretary-General
European Patients’ Forum