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Patient Engagement Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
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Background/Rationale for the document:
Capturing the ‘return on engagement’ is complex, given the many factors that influence the impact of patient engagement. This Patient Engagement Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, with metrics, was created to help partnerships between patients and/or patient organisations, bio-pharmaceutical companies, regulators and health technology assessment (HTA) bodies to self-evaluate the progress and impacts of patient engagement in the medicines development lifecycle for all stakeholders involved.
Objective of the tool:
The objective of this tool is to support learning to facilitate meaningful patient engagement, helping users to understand the pathway to impact of patient engagement and demonstrate better decision-making in medicines development.
Summary of the content (overview of what readers will find in the tool), with links to main content:
The tool provides a map for monitoring and evaluation of patient engagement across multiple decision-points in medicines R&D, including 87 metrics organized across four key evaluation components:
1. Input metrics (n=13) show whether or not the conditions for meaningful and sustainable patient engagement are in place.
2. Activities/process metrics (n=16) show how the implementation of patient engagement is progressing and can elucidate areas for improvement.
3. Learning and change metrics (n=13) show the short-term, direct results of patient engagement which give an indication of the progress made towards impacts.
4. Impact metrics (n=45) show the long-term impacts for medicines development and stakeholders.
The context component allows users to understand what contextual factors (n=15) may
facilitate or inhibit success.
Each metric is accompanied by a description and possible methods for monitoring and evaluating its progress.
Key messages/outcomes:
There is no ‘one size fits all’ set of metrics appropriate for every initiative or organisation. Therefore, this tool allows users to select metrics in order to develop a tailored set that aligns with their specific objectives and provides meaningful information in their context. Co-creation of a tailored set of metrics with all stakeholders involved supports the alignment of expectations and the development of a shared purpose for patient engagement.